02 158 9892

for Executive & Manager

 ฉลองครบรอบ 15 ปี ลดสุดพิเศษ! เหลือ 11,500 บาท จากปกติ 18,500 บาท/ท่าน


for Executive & Manager

กลยุทธ์’ทรานส์ฟอร์มธุรกิจ’ ด้วย”ข้อมูลอัจฉริยะและปัญญาประดิษฐ์”

Driving Business Transformation with Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

      Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence strategy enable corporate leaders to properly manage and govern data as an important corporate asset, to identify and prioritize various business use cases and required initiatives, to acquire, develop, and retain critical resources and skills, to drive cultural changes throughout the organization on becoming an analytic-driven organization, and to avoid the complication of legal and ethical issues of data security, privacy, and biased analytics.

สร้าง S-Curve ใหม่ด้วย AI & Data Analytics *กลยุทธ์ที่ผู้บริหารต้องไม่พลาด*

  • Demystifying AI: How AI Transforms Business for New Growth?
  • Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Competitiveness
  • The Future of AI: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy
  • Data Analytics & AI Integration in Business Transformation
  • Key Resources in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
  • Change Management and Talent Development: Tasks & Skills
  • Real-world Examples of Digital Transformation & Culture Change
  • Industry-Specific Use Cases: Identify & Prioritize Future Landscapes


      Leading Business Transformation with Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence accelerates the need for “Business Transformation”. Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence become a “new electricity” that fuels the business transformation. The challenge for most executives is how to develop and execute effective strategies that lay the solid foundation for future growth and also take advantage of quick-win initiatives.

      Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence strategy enable corporate leaders to properly manage and govern data as an important corporate asset, to identify and prioritize various business use cases and required initiatives, to acquire, develop, and retain critical resources and skills, to drive cultural changes throughout the organization on becoming an analytic-driven organization, and to avoid the complication of legal and ethical issues of data security, privacy, and biased analytics.

  1. Digital disruption accelerates the need for business transformation and it is now top of the executive’s mind. ‘Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence’ fuels business transformation.
  2. If data is a new oil, then Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence is a new electricity that will disrupt every industry by creating and leveling a new playing field.
  3. ‘Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence’ are key components in Business Transformation
  4. Proper data management is of fundamental need to drive business transformation
  5. How to identify the justifiable business case for data analytics & artificial intelligence
  6. What are various roles and skills needed to execute the plans, and how to develop and retain critical resources and skills
  7. Driving culture changes is one of the most critical component in the ‘Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence’ strategy, a roadblock to fully realizing the potential of the business transformation
  • Demystifying AI: Can AI Transform Business for New Growth?
  • Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Competitiveness
  • The Future of AI: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy
  • Data Analytics & AI Integration in Business Transformation
  • Key Resources in Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
  • Change Management and Talent Development: Tasks & Skills
  • Real-world Examples of Digital Transformation & Culture Change
  • Industry-Specific Use Cases: Identify & Prioritize Future Landscapes

Key stakeholders in the organization who would be directly responsible for driving and delivering “Business Transformation”, ideally have their budget or can influent budget owners, VPs, Directors, and Senior Managers on

  • Business Strategy
  • Marketing & Sales
  • Logistics
  • Finance
  • Operation
  • HR & People


  • Independent Director, Premier Marketing (PLC)
  • Over 20 years in Data Analytics & Data Strategies at Procter & Gamble


      PanaEk has worked at Procter & Gamble for 20 years. He designed, architected, and managed various systems, solutions, and services mainly in the Business Intelligence area ranging from regional reporting systems to a global scale program that transforms the way 15,000 knowledge workers consume and decide with data. He laid the foundation of the Asia Business Intelligence program serving Sales, Marketing, and Product Supply so all the solutions are scalable and re-applicable while balancing the needs of local/regional and global businesses.

      PanaEk is currently the founder and senior business intelligence consultant at InfoMobius, a consulting firm providing service of Data Analytics and Artificial consulting services. He also serves as an independent director and audit director at Premier Marketing (PLC).

       PanaEk had a strong passion for data management, Decision Support Systems, and Business Intelligence long before these terms became popular. Once he acknowledged his passion during his first job after college, he continued his master’s degree in MIS and then joined Procter & Gamble where he can drive his passion in a real business context.

      PanaEk holds a Bachelor of Engineering from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang, and a Master of Science (Management Information System) from Chulalongkorn University.

8:30 – 9:00Registration & Morning Coffee
9:00 – 10:30Program Commences
10:30 – 10:45Morning Break
10:45 – 12:15Program Commences
12:15 – 13:30Lunch & Networking
13:30 – 15:00Program Commences
15.00 – 15:15Afternoon Break
15:15 – 16:45End of Program
Bangchak CorporationPremier Marketing
Bangkok Life AssurancePTT
Boon Rawd Supply ChainSiam Piwat
Chevron Thailand Exploration & ProductionThe Red Bull Beverage
Kasikorn Asset ManagementThe Siam Cement
Land and Houses BankTipco F&B
National Science and Technology Development AgencyTurnkey Communication Services
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